Those Strange Apocalyptic Writings
Turn with me in your Bible to John 21:25. It states, ‘Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.’ That is a powerful statement! Through John, God makes very clear the extent of Jesus’ works. If everything Jesus said and did was recorded, John says, the whole world would not have room to hold all of the books. According to this verse, only a small amount of what Jesus said and did was recorded. This should tell us that Jesus’ words and actions that God chose to include in the Bible must be extremely important.
It is common knowledge today, at least among Christians, that because of the many end-times biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled, we are living in the last days of the church age, near that time when Jesus returns.
Jesus did not say a whole lot about the last days, or if He did, God chose not to record it in Scripture. This would mean that God must place a tremendous amount of importance on what He did record in the Bible that Jesus said about our day—and so should we! Therefore, today I will discuss a couple of those things that Jesus warned would occur in these last days.
If you have your Bible turn to Luke 17:26-30. Jesus said: ‘Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man (referring to the time of His return). People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buy¬ing and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.’
Did you notice there is something missing in what Jesus said about the days of Noah and Lot? He doesn’t mention the many gross sins that were taking place in Noah’s day or Lot’s day. Nor does He say anything about the many gross sins taking place in our day. In fact, not one of the things He warns us about is a sin. He describes the everyday normal affairs of life: eating, mar¬rying, buying, selling, planting, and building—not sin.
The Old Testament Scriptures state that in the days of Noah and Lot lawlessness, permissiveness and rebellion were run¬ning rampant. This was the reason why God had to destroy both of those societies. Yet, when comparing our day to those days of Noah and Lot, Jesus does not make one comment about this fact. His comparison is with the buying, selling, eating, drinking, marrying, planting and building. Since His comparison is about the time in which we now live, we need to understand what He meant by His comments.
If Jesus knew all about the terrible sins taking place in Noah’s day and the crime, violence, sexual permissiveness, abortion, child abuse and other sins that would be taking place in our world today, why is it His warning is about the normal, everyday affairs of life?
The answer to this question takes us to the very core of the spiritual warfare now taking place in our country. It is one of the key reasons why the moral values of our society have deteriorated so quickly. Jesus must have known that and why He made this statement, and why it is so important for us that God had it recorded in His Word.
Source: Sample Sermon from the teaching series “The Remarkable Revelation” by Dr. David Mains and Bob Fraley
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