Rethinking Revelation Chapter 13 (Part 2)
This is a continuation of an introduction about Bob Fraley, if you are just joining this BLOG, please be sure to read the previous BLOG for continuity…
The second most important part of my life following my relationship with the Lord is the family. I won’t go into detail in this BLOG about our family since our testimony is fully covered in my book, The Blessings of Obedience. (Read the end of this BLOG to see how you can get a free download of the book in its entirety).
This brings me to the last two areas, of how I spend my time. Since 1973, I have been a part of developing two successful manufacturing companies that produce high tech extruded aluminum alloys for the aerospace industry. In the first company, I was a minor stockholder. Then in 1997 I founded my own manufacturing company making the same product. Since I come from a highly technical background it may help you understand the depth of my approach and how thorough I am in exploring the meaning of the Greek text when I research the Scriptures.
My hobbies and recreation are usually associated with sports. In my youth, I was a fairly good athlete. I enjoy watching a basketball or football game. I play golf, usually with one or more of our boys. All three of our boys excelled in athletics, each receiving the school’s top athletic award their senior year in high school. One was an All-American in college. They probably received more of their athletic ability from my wife. She was a natural, excelling in any sport she tried as well as being the school’s drum majorette and a cheer leader. We are not fans of most of the television programs or the modern-day movies. For relaxation, we will watch an old-time classic movie in the evening.
I now return to the question I asked at the beginning of this writing (previous BLOG). It was; “Did you know prophetic scriptures warn that we are living in the most difficult times ever for Americans to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?”
Nations are often a reflection of the collective thoughts of their people. Today, I fear too many Americans no longer believe it was God who made us a great nation. As a result, many Americans have dismissed the standards of Christianity as more or less irrelevant for moderns. A secular mindset sets aside spiritual contributions as being mostly meaningless. It is almost as though there is an unstated national effort to distance ourselves from our Christian past. It seems many place the new emphasis on tolerance and multiculturalism that considers Christianity to be outdated, embarrassing, and even offensive.
As a result, in recent decades many of the long-standing standards and guidelines the majority of our people lived by have changed. These include the way we raise our families, run our public schools and government, and set our moral standards for the social order. All this has resulted in numerous societal adjustments that would have once been unthinkable. Our government has passed legislation allowing ungodly standards that would never have been tolerated by earlier generations. The most obvious example is a law that has allowed the killing of more than 50 million innocent babies through abortion-on-demand. Another example is outlawing open prayer in our public schools, yet it is okay for schools to distribute birth control items, which of course promotes sexual immorality.
Moral standards unthinkable 30-40 years ago have now become commonplace in our society and even flaunted in our media as the status quo. Our ‘new’ moral code has developed an attitude that says; “If you can get away with it, then it is all right.”
It’s not surprising that my research about our country’s ‘new’ moral code shows that during a recent thirty-year period:
- Crime increased by 500%.
- Illegitimate births by 400%.
- Three times the number of children live in single-parent homes.
- The teenage suicide rate tripled.
- Incest and child molestation have become a national epidemic and police estimate that just 25% of such instances are reported.
In recent years enough teachers and students have been gunned down to make a weapons check commonplace in schools. The entertainment industry discovered it could display violence and sexually explicit scenes with minimal public resistance.
Since World War II, the most fundamental means of preserving order, which is a commitment to the family, has taken hit after hit. The divorce rate has skyrocketed even among regular churchgoers. Addiction to pornography has reached epidemic levels among both Christians and non-Christians, and many are falling into sexual sin. Greed and unethical conduct have tainted such professions as doctors, lawyers, politicians, educators, lawyers, corporate executives, ministers, athletes and others that historically represented the “pillars of our society.”
Large areas of our great cities, once the principal evidence of a mighty industrial nation, have turned into a stalking ground for crime. Violence, sexual permissiveness and drug dealing have now reached epidemic levels. America has the largest prison population in the world with an incarceration rate that is more than seven-times most other countries. Our country, which had such a strong Christian foundation and where so much Christian teaching has taken place, has experienced an overwhelming increase in lawlessness, rebelliousness, selfishness, and permissiveness. Since World War II, the percentage of young Americans with biblically-based values has dropped from 65 to 4 percent.
In the history of mankind there has never been a society whose moral values have deteriorated so drastically in such a short period of time as Americans have during the past 50-60 years, and this trend shows no sign of stopping. The standards in our country have deteriorated more this past generation than in all the previous years combined since our forefathers founded America.
In my next blog, I will explore the question, “WHY?” Why have the standards in our country deteriorated more this past generation than in all the previous years combined???
Join us here next week!
Visit the FREE DOWNLOADS page on our website to find several other books and booklets written by Bob Fraley. The FREE DOWNLOADS page contains complete .pdf files that you may read and download absolutely FREE! Go to: and click on the “FREE DOWNLOADS” button!
Tags: abortion-on-demand, Blessings of Obedience, Christian foundation, commitment to family, divorce rate, family, greed, Greek text, largest prison population in world, lawlessness, manufacturing, moral standards, multiculturalism, outlawing open prayer in public schools, permissiveness, pornography at epidemic levels, public schools, rebelliousness, schools distribute birth control, Scriptures, secular mindset, selfishness, sexual immorality, sexual sin, social order, societal adjustments, standards of Christianity, testimony, tolerance, unethical conduct, ungodly standards, violence